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Welcome to 0one's Blueprints!
The Blueprints product line offers you old-fashioned blueprinted maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. For each map you get a blueprint version and a standard black-and-white version. The maps are all vector-based so you will get maximum print resolution. Despite their old-fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization by using the PDF technology at its best. A small control bar (which will not be printed) on each map allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled, and don't show doors and furniture.
Each product features a classic fantasy adventure location: a dungeon, a keep, a temple complex, a thieves' guild, and so on. You can use these maps as references to build your own adventures or simply take them at hand in case your players go in an unexpected direction during the campaign.
While offering you the best quality, these products are really cheap.
City of the Dead
The City of the Dead is a vast, full-featured cemetery area. Usually this complex is located out of the city, but sometimes it can be placed inside a major city. The cemetery, topping a small hill and encircled by a wall of solid stone, features mausoleums (or family tombs), single tombs, monuments, obelisks, a mortuary and, of course, catacombs. In this product, you will find a map and a cross section of the whole cemetery, three different mausoleums, a mortuary, and a catacomb level. The City of the Dead is perfect for undead-based adventures. Some hints to use the City of the Dead follow:
• An evil cult holds its dreaded rituals within the cemetery walls, kidnapping young girls; the PCs are hired by a noble family to hunt down the evil worshippers and free their children.
• Ghosts and undeads begin to plague the town. Unknown to the PCs, an evil necromancer has settled into the cemetery catacombs and performs some sort of evil experiments.
• The City of the Dead is a ruined cemetery area near a long-forgotten city; a lich made its lair in the cemetery. It is said that a great treasure lies somewhere in the cemetery and that the mausoleums of the city hide clues to find it.
• The people say a master vampire has seized the cemetery and begins to scare the nearby towns; nobody approaches the cemetery. Actually, the vampire is a fallacy: a bandit has claimed the catacombs for his hideout.
• Skeletons and zombies rises from the graves; they all wear strange glowing necklaces. The clerics are unable to turn them and hire the PCs to investigate the City of the Dead.
For a free downloadable look at a working sample blueprint, go to www.0onegames.com/downfiles/previews/blueprints_prew.zip.
Grid Style: This map product features a square grid.
Written by Mario Barbati