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Welcome to 0one's Blueprints!
The Blueprints product line offers you old-fashioned blueprinted maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. For each map you get a blueprint version and a standard black-and white-version. The maps are all vector-based so you will get maximum print resolution. Despite their old-fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization by using the PDF technology at its best. A small control bar (which will not be printed) on each map allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled, and don't show doors and furniture.
Each product features a classic fantasy adventure location: a dungeon, a keep, a temple complex, a thieves' guild, and so on. You can use these maps as references to build your own adventures or simply take them at hand in case your players go in an unexpected direction during the campaign.
While offering you the best quality, these products are really cheap.
Old Lighthouse
One of the most fascinating adventure locations, perfect for horror-oriented adventures, the Old Lighthouse stands on a small isle. The lighthouse building is a two-story building with a slanted rooftop. Obviously, the lighthouse itself is taller than the rest of the building. The topmost level is just under the massive lantern. The first two levels of the building are a perfectly furnished house for the men on duty here. The isle itself features the ruins of an older unknown structure and a small dock, where rowboats and small ships can unload their cargoes. A pathway links the various locations aboveground and a small bridge in the middle of the island crosses a small chasm. A small network of caverns is also present, linking each other to various spots of the isle.
Some hints to use the lighthouse follow:
• The entire isle is the hideout of a smugglers' band; the smugglers' chief pretends to be the man who tends the lighthouse, but during the night the lantern is never lit.
• The smugglers have their warehouse in the basement of the old ruins on the isle and pay the man who tends the lighthouse for his silence.
• The lighthouse island is an eerie place; folks say that the lighthouse is haunted. The man who looks from the massive lantern on top of the lighthouse is said to become mad, as he see things too ominous to be reported.
• Something is hidden in the basement of the old lighthouse. Tales are told about an alien thing that feeds upon the unfortunate who venture there.
For a free downloadable look at a working sample blueprint, go to www.0onegames.com/downfiles/previews/blueprints_prew.zip.
Grid Style: This map product features a square grid.
Written by Mario Barbati