
0one's Blueprints: Domain of Blood - Blackraven Village

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  • File Size 3.45 MB ZIP
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    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number BLU81
  • This is a digital file.

Far from Drake's Castle, on the opposite side of the vale just at the feet of Raven's Hill, rises a small village. This village was founded centuries ago, maybe just after Drake's Castle was built, by an unknown man. The man quickly disappeared into the ever-swirling mists of the Domain of Blood . . .

If you wish to purchase all the Domain of Blood products at once plus some nice extras you can head to the Domain of Blood Virtual Boxed Set.


  • Rule the Dungeon
  • Enhanced customization (choose which features are visible)
  • Alternative hexagonal grid
  • "North" mark available and orientable
  • Master control panel allows you to control all the maps at once
  • Buttons for printing only blue maps or black-and-white maps

WARNING: You must use Adobe Acrobat 6+ in order to use all the features of this product.

Welcome to Øone's Blueprints!

The Blueprints product line offers you old-fashioned blueprinted maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. For each map you get a blueprint version and a standard black-and-white version. The maps are all vector-based so you will get maximum print resolution. Despite their old-fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization, using the PDF technology at its best. A button (which will not be printed) on each map allows you to turn the grid on and off, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled, don't show doors and furniture, and many other options, depending on the kind of map.

Each product features a classic fantasy adventure location: a dungeon, a keep, a temple complex, a thieves' guild, and so on. You can use these maps as references to build your own adventures, or simply take them at hand in case your players go in an unexpected direction during the campaign.

While offering you the best quality, these products are really inexpensive.

Written by Mario Barbati