
0one's Blueprints Professional: Ten Small Dungeons

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  • File Size 33.3 MB ZIP
    Publisher 01 Games
    Stock Number BLUPRO001
  • This is a digital file.

In this zip file you will find ten high resolution (600 dpi) layered tiff files. Each file contains one small dungeon you can use in your RPG products.

The ten small dungeons are:

  • Tomb of the Lost King
  • Troll's Den
  • Buried Temple
  • Bandits' Hideout
  • Slavers' Dungeon
  • Catacombs
  • Goblins' Lair
  • Dwarven Forge
  • Maze of the Beast
  • Castle Dungeon

Each file features the following layers:

  • Grid: a standard square grid
  • Hex Grid: a hexagonal grid
  • Base: the bare structure of the map
  • Fill: the "solid" part of the map
  • Doors: all the doors
  • Furniture: rooms furniture and symbols
  • Text: room numbers and map title
  • Background: a white background


You can use these maps in your RPG products provided they are not map-only products or stock art products. In any case maps cannot be more than 25% of your product.


There are two ways to use these maps in your products:

Usage without modifying the maps: You are allowed to turn on and off any layer and use the resulting image as it is. You can however change the room numbers and the map title and add any text you want.

By choosing this usage mode you MUST display the credit text and you MAY use the 0one Cartography Badge included in this product.

Usage modifying the maps: You are allowed to color, cut, or otherwise modify the maps as you wish.

By choosing this usage mode you MUST display the credit text and you CANNOT use the 0one Cartography Badge included in this product.

Written by Mario Barbati