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Welcome to 0one's Blueprints!
The Blueprints product line offers you old-fashioned blueprinted maps for using in your adventures and campaigns. For each map you get a blueprint version and a standard black-and-white version. The maps are all vector-based so you will get maximum print resolution. Despite their old-fashioned appearance, each map offers you a degree of customization by using the PDF technology at its best. A small control bar (which will not be printed) on each map allows you to turn on and off the grid, eliminate the room numbers, get the walls filled, and don't show doors and furniture.
Each product features a classic fantasy adventure location: a dungeon, a keep, a temple complex, a thieves' guild, and so on. You can use these maps as references to build your own adventures or simply take them at hand in case your players go in an unexpected direction during the campaign.
While offering you the best quality, these products are really cheap.
Vampire Castle
Welcome guests, the Count is waiting for you with eagerness . . . or is it thirst?
The vampire castle is an ancient building that sits upon a gloomy, rocky estate. An old gatehouse stands before the entrance. A tall stone wall surrounds the whole castle, and many towers connected through walkways seem to be randomly distributed on the ground inside. Opposite the gatehouse, there is a splendid overlook, which allows guests to admire the whole landscape surrounding the castle. Inside, the castle is a true labyrinth, featuring more than 120 rooms! There are eight levels including the crypts beneath.
This castle is perfect for horror-based adventures as well as for any adventure that includes a manor or a castle. This blueprint is special, featuring 10 maps (for the same price!). The castle structure is so complex that the staircases that connect the various levels have been labeled with letters; same letter means same staircase. If a staircase appears on a level but there is no letter, it means that staircase does not have an exit on that level.
Some hints to use the Vampire Castle follow:
• "I am Ancient, I am the Land": you can play your favorite vampire chase here. The count hides in the rooms of his castle and the PCs must find and destroy him. Not an easy task, though.
• A vampire has begun to terrorize the land after centuries of silence. Corpses of bloodless people are found each day. The PCs must set out to the castle and destroy the monster. The truth is that a sly bandit has made his hideout in the castle and kills people, draining their blood in order to keep intruders at bay.
• The PCs take shelter in the castle in order to avoid an oncoming snowstorm. The count welcomes them and asks, in return for his hospitality, a task: they must bring a coffin with one of his parents in a great city . . . The count has been abandoned by his servants and wants to set up a new base of operations in a great city. If the PCs do so, they should return to the castle and meet its challenges to find an ancient artifact to destroy the monster.
For a free downloadable look at a working sample blueprint, go to www.0onegames.com/downfiles/previews/blueprints_prew.zip.
Grid Style: This map product features a square grid.
Written by Mario Barbati