
Diana: Warrior Princess

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    Publisher Marcus Rowland
    Stock Number ROW001
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From Marcus Rowland (Forgotten Futures) with lavish illustrations by Aaron Williams (Nodwick, PS238), Diana: Warrior Princess is a modern-day role playing game with a difference.

Imagine our world, seen by someone as remote from us as we are from the ancient Greeks, and with as many gaps in their knowledge. Imagine it converted into a TV series by a production company with the loving attention to historical accuracy we have come to expect from such series. Then imagine the RPG of that series...

Throw realism out of the window. Run adventures in which Eva Peron is Hitler's mistress, or JFK meets Queen Victoria. Zulu hordes swarm across Vietnam, the Spanish Inquisition stalk heretics in Manhattan, steam cars co-exist with ICBMs, Babbage engines, stealth bombers, and sorcerers.

This is the world of Diana: Warrior Princess.

Written by Aaron Williams / Marcus Rowland