
Elvis: The Legendary Tours

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    Publisher Marcus Rowland
    Stock Number ROW002
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Imagine our world . . .

. . . as it might be shown in a TV series made a few thousand years in the future, and with the loving attention to historical accuracy we’ve come to expect from such TV series.

This is the world of Diana: Warrior Princess. And like other shows, the producers need to maximize their audience (and their profits) any way they can. Such as an all-new spin-off show set in the same world . . .

Elvis: The Legendary Tours

In a world of gods, myths, and legends . . .

Exiled by his evil half-brother, the sorcerer-priest Costello, wandering bard Elvis searches for a way to return to his home, the mysterious Land of Grace. Armed with his wits, guns, and guitar, and aided by his sidekicks John Lenin and ‘Senator’ Joe McCartney, his adventures really rock!

Elvis: The Legendary Tours expands on the world of Diana: Warrior Princess, adding new settings, new characters and gods, the Mystic Power of Music, Elvis Impersonators, the martial art of Sudoku, and much much more1.

  • Gasp at eight adventure outlines and an eighteen-page adventure, taking Elvis from Memphis (with pyramids) to the Earth’s core, and introducing a formidable new foe.
  • Marvel at six new stars and co-stars, and a supporting cast of thousands2.
  • Thrill to stunning special effects3.
  • Laugh at the author’s shameless greed.

1 Definitions of much much may vary.
2 This is technically known as a lie.
3 So is this.

Written by Marcus Rowland