
Metahuman Mystics & Supernatural Supers 2

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5010
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Within you will find four new PL-10 character archetypes focused on the various facets of mysticism and/or the supernatural. But these aren't the simple archetypes you've come to expect, because each provides information on the concept behind the archetype, hints on defining such characters' origins, tips on building powers, and how to improve the character with experience while staying true to the concept, as well as several variations on the basic archetype to allow tinkering. Also included are some new game mechanics for all-purpose use and a character of higher PL to illustrate how the archetype can improve with experience.

  • The Bound Entity is a spirit or supernatural creature forced to share space within a mortal host. Includes seven variations (alternate purpose, amnesiac, bound by evil, born to the cause, mortal punishment, prisoner, and voluntary repenting) and the character Hangman, a corrupt hanging judge sentenced to a living prison to punish the guilty as a chance to be free of Hell.
  • The Crusader, a person of little magic ability who still decides to fight the supernatural through guile, guts, and luck. Includes four variations (holy warrior, profiteer, reluctant hero, and secret society) and the character Eva Cross.
  • The Magician, someone who uses their skills with stage illusion and parlor tricks to fight crime. Includes three variations (gimmickist, machinator, and master of illusion) and the character Presto.
  • The Primal Theurgist, a champion and holy man of a people and culture beset upon from all sides by modern civilization. Includes five variations (avenger, child of today, primal avatar, totem avatar, and untested neophyte), and the character Tomahawk.

Also included are a new skill, Knowledge (stage magic); two new powers, Enhanced (Skill) and Substitute (Save), and one updated and revised power, Confession Burn; the Lethal Only and Nonlethal Only flaws; Amnesia and One Of Us complications; and Cursed, Separate Personality, Slow Learner, and (revised and updated) Technology Repellant drawbacks for customizing your basic archetype.

This color product includes a landscape version for on-screen viewing and a portrait, more print-friendly version.

Written by Steven Trustrum