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Publisher | Misfit Studios |
Stock Number | MIS5005 |
Wondering what happened to skill synergy in the second edition? Pondering reintroducing it to your game? Yeah, us too.
Superior Synergy returns skill synergy to your Superlink games, placing benchmarks at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 skill ranks. Not all benefits are merely increases in a simple synergy bonus, either. Some benefits include reduced times needed to perform tasks associated or altered DC modifiers with the synergy skill.
And it doesn't end there! Superior Synergy also introduces power synergy. Much like skill synergy, power synergy allows two or more powers to work together for additional benefits they couldn't achieve on their own.
Don't be satisfied with poor skill and power planning. Check out Superior Synergy: Superheroic, the third in the Superior Synergy series, and let your characters make the most of their potential.
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Written by Steven Trustrum