
Misfits & Menaces: Archenemies

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5019
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Misfits & Menaces is a sourcebook series for the M&M Superlink rules. Each offering focuses on a number of villains and/or one or more villainous organization that may be inserted into most super-heroic campaigns with little effort. Archenemies presents villains designed to be reoccurring foes in your game, thanks to their far-reaching plans and goals.

Inside this issue you'll find details for the following:

  • Adversary, an A.E.G.I.S. creation designed to combat metahumans for the government, but now out of control and off the leash.
  • Autocract, an exoskeleton-wearing, former weapon's designer who sees the world as a giant social machine in desperate need of repair, whether it wants it or not.
  • Dagon, ruler of the deep ones high-priest of Cthulhu, and all-around bad ass.
  • Faust, an immortal alchemist and magician on the run from Hell who is willing to do anything to set his soul free, no matter what it may cost others.
  • Gaia, out of control environmentalist who will turn the world against mankind as readily as humanity turned against Mother Earth.
  • Hiroshima, a villain born of nuclear fire who is willing to use the same means to return Japan to its former glory and position in global standing.
  • Mordred, the reincarnation of King Arthur's illegitimate son, he seeks to take everything from his father and claim Britain's crown for his own within a new revival of the monarchy. (See Do-Gooders & Daredevils: Champions for more details.)
  • Morgan Le Fay, fairy queen and King Arthur's half sister, she and her monstrous creations, the Fay'nabolg, seek to return Great Britain to the fairy kingdom that once ruled it (with her at the helm, of course.) (See Do-Gooders & Daredevils: Champions for more details.)
  • Mortus, ruler of the undead, plots from his dimension of the undying to transform Earth into a wasteland of creatures trapped forever between life and what may be found beyond.
  • System, master of the mechanical, wants to tear down society and rebuild it by using its own reliance upon high-technology against it.

This hyperlinked and bookmarked PDF includes a print-friendly version and makes use of game mechanics appearing in Better Mousetrap and Misfits & Menaces: DOOM, also available from Misfit Studios.

Written by Steven Trustrum