
Old School Gazette #9

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    Publisher Expeditious Retreat Press
    Stock Number XRPOSG9
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The Old-School Gazette is a periodically released short PDF supplement line. Each issue of the Gazette will be approximately 5 pages long and contains information suitable for OSRIC compatible gaming. Monsters, magic items, spells, and unique campaign details will be featured in the Gazette. The Old-School Gazette is open for short paid submissions, so send us your ideas/articles at josephbrowning@gmail.com

This Old-School Gazette gives you all the statistics you need to pit engraved, ganyadi, haze horrors, and white foams against your players. Also there are 3 tricks and tips from Matthew Finch and a new magic item associated with the engraved. So enjoy the ninth Old-School Gazette and look forward to many more!

This product uses the OSRIC System (Oldschool System Reference and Index Compilation), and is also compatible with the first edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game. The OSRIC system text may be found for free at http://www.knights-n-knaves.com/osric.

Written by Joseph Browning / Matthew Finch