
Supernatural Supers & Metahuman Mystics: Houngan Archetype

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5058
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Supernatural Supers & Metahuman Mystics: Houngan Archetype Wants to Put Some Good Mojo into Your Game

This release for Supernatural Supers & Metahuman Mystics provides you with a new archetype, the Houngan. A Houngan is a priest of the Voodoo religion. They may call upon the spirits (loas) and magic of the world around them directly, via ritual, or through the jujus (charms and fetishes) they create to help their people. But there is evil out in the world that they must also fight -- supernatural forces of darkness and even their own kind who have turned their Voodoo powers towards evil: the Bokor.

Includes the a base Houngan archetype template so you can more easily and quickly make Voodoo practitioner characters of your own, as well as guidelines on their origins, appearance and personality, powers and abilities (including example spells andcharms and fetishes), sample loas, how they may be improved, and a number of variations on the basic theme. Rounding out the product is a sample Houngan character, Papa Crane.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/licensing for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind’s Hero’s Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Written by Steven Trustrum