
Do-Gooders & Daredevils: The Celestial Legions

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  • File Size 9.5 MB ZIP
    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5033
  • This is a digital file.

This release of Do-Gooders & Daredevils brings you The Celestial Legions, a group of intergalactic heroes and peacekeepers who gain their power by bonding with an alien life force. The legions seek to bring justice to the universe in order to redeem a great betrayal their bound alien essences' species once committed.

Within this PDF you will find rules on creating members of the alien species that have not seen fit to join the Legions' cause, all you will need to create a Celestial Legionnaire character of your own, including a baseline alien life force and a Celestial Legionnaire template, and an example Legionnaire, Droog, who can be employed to help Gamemasters introduce their players to their game's wider universe.

Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/licensing for details).

Requires the Mutants & Mastermind's Hero's Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.

Note that the new advantage included will also appear in Better Mousetrap 3e.

Written by Steven Trustrum