
Metahuman Martial Arts

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5003
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Looking to add some fist-flying, kick-wheeling mayhem to your game? If so, Metahuman Martial Arts is the ultimate combat sourcebook for the M&M Superlink rule system is what you have been waiting for.

Metahuman Martial Arts provides new rules and concepts that allow you to bring martial arts out from the obscurity of using existing rules to "fake" a fighting style by transforming the combat arts into a more direct and specific aspect of the game, allowing martial arts to stand on its own two feet.

This new material includes:

  • Over 80 basic and advanced combat maneuvers-power constructs and builds representing common martial arts attacks and the like, ready to go for your use.
  • Nearly 150 new, revised, and relevant feats, including an entirely new category available only to those who pursue the martial arts.
  • A new Martial Arts skill, and several new uses for other skills.
  • 150+ fighting style packages, representing more than 100 real combat styles built using the M&M Superlink rules, along with additional, fictional styles based on the cinema, fantasy genre, and super-hero comic books.
  • New, expanded, revised, or collected combat rules designed to accommodate staples of the martial arts genre, including new combat action types, disabling critical hits, new vehicle maneuvers, and details on targeting specific locations.
  • 17 new genre-oriented archetypes, including the Chosen One, Heroic Luchador, and Rogue Ninja, along with 5 villain archetypes, several new and revised minions, and a number of samples of heroic and villainous characters and organizations.
  • An impressive arsenal of new and revised weapons.

… and just about everything you would expect to fill the spaces in-between.

If you have ever wanted the fighting arts to be anything more than merely a special effect for a handful of feats available to everyone, then Metahuman Martial Arts is the sourcebook you have been waiting for.

This hyperlinked and bookmarked PDF includes a print-friendly version and makes use of game mechanics appearing in Better Mousetrap, also available from Misfit Studios.

Written by Steven Trustrum