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This release of The Manual of Mutants & Monsters provides game stats on the Headhunting Immortal, an offshoot of humanity that lives among mankind, hidden. They are reborn after their initial violent "death" to become incapable of dying. Unless their head is removed from their shoulders, that is. Caught up in a battle among their own kind, they fight until only one remains.
This product includes game statistics for the Headhunting Immortal, as well as ideas regarding how them introduce it to your game. Is your hero waiting to die merely to be reborn?
Super-Powered by M&M and its associated logo are Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used under the provisions of the Super-Powered by M&M Trademark License (see www.mutantsandmasterminds.com/licensing for details).
Requires the Mutants & Mastermind's Hero's Handbook by Green Ronin Publishing for Use.
As appears in DOOM 3e, also for Super-Powered by M&M.
Written by Steven Trustrum