
Your World No Longer

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    Publisher Misfit Studios
    Stock Number MIS5007
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Did you sit on the sidelines?
Did you watch as your world changed?
Did you fight back?
Whatever you did . . .

. . . it is your world no longer.

But now it's time . . .
. . .to take your world back . . .

Resistance begins now.

Your World No Longer is a Superlink product intended to supply Gamemasters with packaged campaign details and ideas for stories involving global conquest and invasion. Each chapter herein outlines a separate scenario where a particular foe has mastered the world, providing information on how and why Earth was conquered, and how the world's heroes and villains responded.

The details provided are sufficient to allow the Gamemaster to run the game quickly and off-the-cuff, but remain open enough to permit further development (indeed, this is encouraged.) This open design format also allows the scenario to be used in just about any setting, be it one that's been published or one entirely of the Gamemaster's own devising.

This first volume includes the following:

A primer that explains how the Your World No Longer material is to be used, and tips and guidelines on how to run a resistance-style game.

The Alien Menace scenario wherein aliens have conquered the planet. Includes templates and game stats for the aliens and their gear.

The Dead Hungry scenario, outlining what happens when the flesh-hungry undead have overrun the planet. Includes templates and example game stats for the classic, mindless zombie and the intelligent undead variations.

The Darwin's Legacy scenario wherein mutants have overthrown humanity. Includes game stats for the architect of the mutant revolution and his foot soldiers, as well as some weapons the surviving humans are using to fight back.

The world is no longer yours but it is up to you to take it back. Show us what you're made of and resist!

A print friendly version is included. This product makes use of materials appearing in Misfit Studios' Better Mousetrap product.

Written by Steven Trustrum